
Invites YOU to a Whole New World Of Possibilities for Health and Wellness

March 4, 2020


What comes to mind when I think about forgiving someone, is the situation that created that pain in the first place.

Then “BAM” I feel that old hurt, sadness, shame, blame, guilt, or fear, all over again. Thinking I should forgive someone seems to reinforce that old hurt deeper.

The question; “How can I ever forgive them for doing that?” comes to mind.

When I use the techniques introduced in the workshop “Release” I tap into a powerful tool to begin moving forward in my life.

Through this simple process, I am gifting you here today, forgiveness will sneak in the back door.

Bringing with it peace, freedom and a complete shift in my physical and emotional being.

Today I am going to share one of the powerful tools from the Release workshop with you to assist in your journey to releasing old pain.

Pick a situation where injustice, injury, regret or irritation has happened in your life.
(Please note that this is just a memory!)

I was feeling heavy listening to people’s old pain in my office so I started having them do what I call Venting Pages, this is simple I get my clients to write three pages, everything that happened about that old painful situation, how it made you feel, what you would say to that person and anything else that wants to come forward. The first page is very conscious, the second page is conscious / subconscious and the third page is subconscious. The third is where some powerful wisdom usually comes forward to you from you. You don’t share this with anyone so go nuts on these papers saying everything that needs to be said!!

Once you have done this you will get rid of those venting pages somewhere you don’t often go, to a beach, a park, a street you never go down. Release these pages with a ritual of earth ( Burying it in the soil), air (Throw it off a cliff) , fire (Burn it, CAREFULLY) or water (Send it out to sea) to release it once and for all.

You are going to do a turn around now that you have completely released that old pain.

Get three more pages and take some time to write down some wisdom to yourself moving forward.

When you complete this you will plant it somewhere close to you ( In your yard, in a vase on your fireplace, plant a tree on top of it in your back yard) it will remind you subconsciously daily what your wisdom is that you wrote down to you!!

I wish for you peace and freedom moving forward.

With Love,
Jeannie Spencer

(VENTING PAGES- are a minimum of three pages of longhand, a stream of consciousness writing, addressed to the person culprit or event that has transgressed you.
Write three pages to the person or circumstance that created these negative experiences in your life emotionally or physically. Get everything out of you and on to that piece of paper so that you can release it once and for all. NO ONE will be reading this so say it all.)

(WISDOM PAGES- are a minimum of three pages of longhand, a stream of consciousness writing, addressed to you from your highest self. .
Write three pages to you about the wisdom or lessons you learned and what you will never tolerate again. Get everything out of you and on to that piece of paper so that you can embody this wisdom within you forever.)


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