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Nina Zettl E-RYT®, RPYT®, YACEP®, BA(HONS), RM | Cloud 9

Nina Zettl E-RYT®, RPYT®, YACEP®, BA(HONS), RM

Invites YOU to a Whole New World Of Possibilities for Health and Wellness

Nina Zettl

Freedom From Within - Mind Body Spirit

Synergistic Blend of Modalities

  • Self-Regulation Therapy
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Visceral Manipulation
  • Reiki
  • Trauma-Conscious Yoga & Yoga Therapy
  • Yin, Prana Vinyasa ®, Vinyasa Krama, Restorative, Prenatal, Mom & Baby, Hatha, and Tantra Yoga

Nina Zettl E-RYT®, RPYT®, YACEP®, BA(HONS), RM

Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master & Mind-Body Therapist / Founder, Freedom From Within

"Nina creates a safe and welcoming space for healing with her calming presence and conscientiousness. She is attuned to her clients' needs and respectfully responds, holding the space for whatever may come up. Through her, and our sessions, I have learned effective methods to navigate life’s challenges. I have also learned a great deal about myself in this process. Nina has helped me to take important steps toward self-care and holistic wellness and I am grateful to her and her practice." - Chelsea K.