Are you ready to experience life on your own terms, knocking off your goals, enjoying truly fulfilling relationships and manifesting your dreams? Hypnotherapy can help you create the life you imagine – and the life you deserve.

Jeannie Spencer, M.H., C.HT
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, HypnoBirthing Coach, Natural Birth Coach, Motivational Speaker and Director of the Canadian College of Advanced Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy.
I’ve helped thousands of people overcome unhealthy behaviours and negative thought patterns with the power of their own minds. Working with me, you’ll find relief from addiction, anxiety, depression, fears, insomnia, body issues or whatever is holding you back from your true potential.
We only have one life to live. Let’s make it count Using hypnotherapy, I will help you create the life you imagine. Together, we’ll construct the realities you deserve.
Years from now, I want you to look back at the limitations you once had and feel completely in control of your life and satisfied with who you are.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have learned how to use the power of the mind to overcome my own false limitations and hurtful beliefs, and I’m just as passionate about helping you do the same.
When I’m not helping clients, I use my education and years of hypnotherapy experience to train others in hypnosis through the Canadian College of Advanced Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (CCAHH). You can also find me facilitating local and regional workshops, working with Comox Valley schools and actively supporting natural birthing practices.