Hypnosis for well-being

Are you ready to experience life on your own terms, knocking off your goals, enjoying truly fulfilling relationships and manifesting your dreams? Hypnotherapy can help you create the life you imagine – and the life you deserve.

May 11, 2018

Hypnosis for well-being

Hypnosis for well-being

Many of us made our New Year’s resolutions in the foggy haze of a hangover or in the emotional frazzle of holiday entertaining. It’s certainly true that the new year seems an inspired time to consider change – but a new YouGov omnibus study shows that actually only 11 per cent keep their resolutions for more than a week.

Jeannie Spencer, clinical hypnotherapist and clinical director of the Courtenay-based Canadian College of Advanced Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, knows from experience that individuals have a much higher chance of success by waiting for the holiday chaos to clear before focusing on personal resolutions.

“For most of us, our energy can be physically and emotionally depleted during the holidays,” she says. “People are generally in a much stronger position
to make changes a bit later in January, when our minds are more focused and ready to accept new suggestions. It’s because of this that we waited to schedule our popular resolution-based work- shops this year.”

If health and physical well-being made the top of your resolution list, you may be interested in Spencer’s 12 week, weight loss hypnotherapy workshop. The work- shop combines an individual private session as well as 11 weekly group sessions.

Spencer comments: “Past success in the program has been outstanding. I still hear from clients today who can’t believe how much their relationship to food has changed since leaving the program. Hypnosis works because it allows individuals to feel completely relaxed in a wakeful state of focused attention. When in this state they can overcome their thinking (i.e. feelings, beliefs, etc.) about a particular problem.”

By the end of program, an individual is able to build up self-confidence and learn how to implement new and healthy eating habits that lead to weight loss as well as maintaining an ideal weight.

For those who had many different resolutions, the New Year personal development workshop could add clarity and help focus your goals. This one day seminar proposes to help you design a plan for change. Additionally, individuals will learn motivational strategies.

“Hypnotherapy is often used to help build the confidence that one needs, by unlocking the potential deep within the mind,” says Spencer. “We use hypnotherapy at the core of our teaching, but we always have fun mixing in introspective coaching tools and group discussion as well.”

If you have struggled to keep your resolution going or perhaps just decided not to bother this year, you may want to see if a mid-January resolution will have a more lasting impact.
Individuals interested in attending any of the upcoming InvisonYourLife seminars can enrol online at www.invisionyourlife.com or contact Jeannie Spencer at 250-702-4769.

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